For your eating and other pleasure...

I've re-opened my site that features fun stuff for potentially every day,

...though some days are still blank, and it's so old that I'm sure there are outdated links. I very well may not update it. However, I've found that as I'm going through probably the hardest time of my life, because my dear love has passed away, I am being helped by ideas and encouragement that pull me through each difficult day, and I thought Hey, I'm definitely not the only one in this universe with this problem, and maybe someone else will be encouraged.

What I'm doing when I feel like it is taking this idea and making it truly my own, pasting in magazine articles I like etc., which of course are copyright so I'm not doing anything else with them, but you are very welcome to make say a notebook with ideas like this for yourself too.

Take care, everyone. Life is so precious; enjoy it...