Fish and Seafood Cookery by Booth, 1930

This cookbooklet is the best of retro -- interesting and useful.

It's not always useful, mind you. They claim that it's safe to let seafood thaw on your counter -- and suggest that you thaw your shrimp "on a clean soft towel" -- and I doubt that's a paper towel. Of course that would soak up the unwanted liquid nicely...but I don't like to deal with raw non-vegetarian bits in my laundry.

As often happens, this company offered more varieties of frozen seafood than we often find today, including several types of pike.

They say that in the past fish was only available inland on Fridays, how interesting (to do with religion surely that it was available even then). 

Hmm, it claims that seafood is "the oldest of human foods." Perhaps because archaeologists found a lot of shells and such in ancient settlement sites?

Speaking of archaeology, I see I need to date this booklet, as there's no mention of when it was published. Clues include...
There's an "Eleanor Harvey" maybe who wrote the intro -- I'm not sure I'm reading her signature properly. Any mention of her online?...Not this one, it looks like.
It's by Booth Fisheries -- when were they in business?...Hmm, looks like they were bought by Sara Lee and may still exist.
They claim that "quick frozen" is the "newest and most modern form" of dealing with seafood. That seems to have come about in the early 1920s.
They use not plastic but cellophane in their "modern, sanitary" packaging. However, it seems that waterproof cellophane at least was not available until the late 1920s.

So I'm guessing 1929 or 1930....And duh I just thought -- Look at the professional book sellers, what do they say?! 1930! Good.

One nice-sounding and easy recipe they include, to serve over cooked fish, is their Anchovy Butter, in which you mix melted butter with mustard, mashed anchovies, lemon juice, a bit of sugar, and parsley.